Propaganda for Improving the Image of Bihar
by Ravi Pandey
January 11, 2006
Beside poverty, corruption, casteism and crime Bihar's image was destroyed by systematic propaganda by media controlled by non Biharis. Upper caste Bihari and upper caste North Indians might have created joker image of Laloo due to their own dislike of Laloo which ultimately got stuck with Biharis. But the most destructive propaganda was done by south Indian dominated IT world. Time and again through emails, through jokes, via exit polls participated mainly by south Indians they converted Laloo and finally Biharis to villains.
They found poor and innocent Biharis as a perfect media to launch their hate towards North Indian and Hindi. These same people who completely ignored all the wrongdoings of Jaylalitha, Narsimha Rao and ghotalas done by them they repeated chara ghotala millions of time. The way they hyped Hyderabad and Naidu is understandable from the fact that these IT freaks were totally oblivious from the fact of the ground reality in Andhra where thousands of farmers committed suicide.
I have seen pale faces of hundreds of Telugu guys after loss of Naidu. While Naxals in Andhra, Gujarat religious violence goes mainly unnoticed a small incidence of robbery in Patna is prompted in leading national newspapers and propagated by these Bihari-haters. "Jiski Lathi Uski Bhains" applies here also.
Recently also while replying to Chidamabarm's refusal to accept question in Hindi a large south Indian crowd took vicious anti-Hindi and anti North Indian stand.
While we will have to work to improve all the vice within Bihar I think it is necessary also to launch a massive propaganda by emails, newsgroup and other media and by all Bihari people to highlight achievement and positive side of Bihar. Of course we can not lie but slight exaggeration is OK. After all this is propaganda. Not all numbers are in our favor but we will have to pick those which. are After all our adversary never highlight our positive side.
Emails should be sent with contents like:
Hidden facts about Bihar. Do you know that...
>Bihar has more number of Literate than Kerala and Tamil Nadu combined?
>Bihar has more number of Graduate than Andhra Pradesh and Kerala combined?
>More Biharis are doctors than Punjab and Gujarat combined?
>Bihar has produced more number of IAS officer than Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu ,
Andhra and Gujarat combined?
>More Biharis are bank probationary office than any other state?
>More Biharis are in IIT compare to Maharashtra and Gujarat?
>Murder rate in Bihar is half of murder rate in Mumbai?
>Rape is Bihar is 1/10th of Delhi?
>Number of people killed in Bihar in communal violence is 1/75 th of Gujarat?
>Naxalites in Bihar have killed less people than in Andhra Pradesh?
>Bihar produces more wheat than Punjab?
>Bihar is only large state where no farmer committed suicide?
>More Bihari Girls complete Graduation than Kerala?
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